
  Project 1 - Real-time anomaly detection based on user behavior in mobile environment (National Research Council of Science & Technology) - 2018.04 ~ 2018.11

  • User authentication based on keystroke and drawing pattern in smartphone in Android environment.
  • Development of keystroke and drawing pattern data using our own application.
  • Development of authentication method based on deep neural networks.
  • Achieved high performance on both task.
  • Applying TCN based approach for future work.
  •   Project 2 - Development of machine learning media streaming optimization system using QoE information (INI Soft) - 2018.07 ~ 2019.03

  • In order to efficiently serve large-capacity media contents such as Videos on the Internet and mobile, we developed a machine learning-based algorithm and library that automatically arranges content on CDN (Content Delivery Network).
  • Development of QoE (Quality of Experience) Report collection technology for users' use of content.
  • Development of Dynamic Content Placement and CDN Selection Algorithm for Performance/Price Optimization under Multi-CDN.
  • Development of QoE (Quality of Experience) Report System Technology.
  • Multi-CDN performance/price optimization algorithm.
  •   Project 3 - Development of Sentiment Analysis and Visualization using News Data (Befly Soft) - 2019.05 ~ 2019.10

  • Development of sentiment analysis model using semi-supervised learning methodology.
  • Development of sentiment analysis model using deep learning methodology.
  • Applied self-training and label propagation for unlabeled data.
  • Applied Bi-LSTM Attention and CNN method for sentiment classification.
  • Class Activation Map method for word localization.